To providetelemedicine faculty in a hilly state, a computer network is to be setup toconnect hospitals in 6 small villages (VI, V2, …, V6) to the base hospital (H)in the state capital. This is shown in the following diagram.

No village is more than 20 km away from the state capital.
Imagine yourself as a computer consultant for this project and answer thefollowing questions with justification :
1. Out of the followingwhat kind of link should be provided to setup this network :
1. Microwave link,
2. Radio Link,
3. Wired Link ?
2. What kind of networkwill be formed; LAN, MAN, or WAN ?
3. Many times doctors atvillage hospital will have to consult senior doctors at the base hospital. Forthis purpose, how should they contact them: using email, sms, telephone, orvideo conference ?
4. Out of SMTP and POP3which protocol is used to receive emails ?
5. What are cookies inthe context of computer networks?
6. Rajeshwari is tryingfor on-line subscription to a magazine. For this she has filled in a form onthe magazine’s web site. When the clicks submit button she gets a message thatshe has left e-mail field empty and she must fill it. For such checking whichtype of script is generally executed; client side script or server-side script?
7. Mention any onedifference between free-ware and free software.