Chapter 4 Air Solutions

Question - 1 : - What is atmosphere?

Answer - 1 : - The huge blanket of air surrounding the Earth is called atmosphere.

Question - 2 : -
Which two gases make the bulk of the atmosphere?

Answer - 2 : - Nitrogen and oxygen make the bulk of the atmosphere.

Question - 3 : - Which gas creates greenhouse effect in the atmosphere?

Answer - 3 : - Carbon dioxide creates greenhouse effect in the atmosphere.

Question - 4 : - What is weather?

Answer - 4 : -

Weather refers to the short-term changes in the atmosphere. It is the hour-to-hour, day-to-day condition of the atmosphere.

Question - 5 : - Name three types of rainfall?

Answer - 5 : - Convectional rainfall, orographic rainfall and cyclonic rainfall are the three types of rainfall.

Question - 6 : - What is air pressure?

Answer - 6 : - Air pressure is defined as the pressure exerted by the weight of air on the Earth’s surface.

Question - 7 : -
Tick the correct answer.

(i) Which of the following gases protects us from harmful sun rays?

(a) Carbon dioxide (b) Nitrogen (c) Ozone
(ii) The most important layer of the atmosphere is

(a) Troposphere (b) Thermosphere (c) Mesosphere
(iii) Which of the following layers of the atmosphere is free from clouds?

(a) Troposphere (b) Stratosphere (c) Mesosphere
(iv) As we go up the layers of the atmosphere, the pressure

(a) Increases (b) Decreases (c) Remains the same
(v) When precipitation comes down to the Earth in the liquid form, it is called

(a) Cloud (b) Rain (c) Snow

Answer - 7 : -

(i) (c) Ozone 
(ii) (a) Troposphere 
(iii) (b) Stratosphere 
(iv) (b) Decreases 
(v) (b) Rain

Question - 8 : -

Matchthe following.

(i) Trade Winds

(a) Incoming solar energy

(ii) Loo

(b) Seasonal wind

(iii) Monsoon

(c) Horizontal movement of air

(iv) Wind

(d) Layer of ozone gas

(e) Permanent wind

(f) Local wind

Answer - 8 : -

(i) Trade Winds

(e) Permanent wind

(ii) Loo

(f) Local wind

(iii) Monsoon

(b) Seasonal wind

(iv) Wind

(c) Horizontal movement of air

Question - 9 : -
Give reasons.
Wet clothes take longer time to dry on a humid day?

Answer - 9 : - Things remain damp and wet, and take longer time to dry when the atmosphere around them is damp and wet. Humidity is the amount of moisture or water vapour present in air at any moment in time. On a humid day, the air is full of water vapour. As the air gets warmer, its capacity to hold the water vapour increases. As a result, conditions become more and more humid. Hence, wet clothes take longer time to dry on a humid day.

Question - 10 : -
Give reasons.
Amount of insolation decreases from Equator towards Poles?

Answer - 10 : - Insolation refers to the incoming solar radiations intercepted by the Earth. The amount of sunlight received by the regions close to the Equator is greater than the amount of sunlight received by the regions close to the Poles. This is because of the tilt of the Earth’s axis. As a result of this tilt, the incoming solar radiations cover a greater area at the Equator than at the Poles.

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