Polynomials Ex 2.4 Solutions

Question - 1 : -

For each of thefollowing, find a quadratic polynomial whose sum and product respectively ofthe zeroes are as given. Also find the zeroes of these polynomials byfactorisation.

(i) (–8/3), 4/3

(ii) 21/8, 5/16

(iii) -2√3, -9

(iv) (-3/(2√5)), -½

Answer - 1 : -


(i) Sum of the zeroes= – 8/3

Product of the zeroes= 4/3

P(x) = x2 – (sum of the zeroes) + (product of the zeroes)

Then, P(x)= x2 – (-8x)/3 + 4/3

P(x)= 3x2 + 8x + 4

Using splitting themiddle term method,

3x2 + 8x + 4 = 0

3x2 + (6x + 2x) + 4 = 0

3x2 + 6x + 2x + 4 = 0

3x(x + 2) + 2(x + 2) =0

(x + 2)(3x + 2) = 0

 x = -2, -2/3

(ii) Sum of the zeroes= 21/8

Product of the zeroes= 5/16

P(x) = x2 – (sum of the zeroes) + (product of the zeroes)

Then, P(x)= x2 – 21x/8 + 5/16

P(x)= 16x2 – 42x + 5

Using splitting themiddle term method,

16x2 – 42x + 5 = 0

16x2 – (2x + 40x) + 5 = 0

16x2 – 2x – 40x + 5 = 0

2x (8x – 1) – 5(8x –1) = 0

(8x – 1)(2x – 5) = 0

 x = 1/8, 5/2

(iii) Sum of thezeroes = – 2√3

Product of the zeroes= – 9

P(x) = x2 – (sum of the zeroes) + (product of the zeroes)

Then, P(x) = x2 – (-2√3x) – 9

Using splitting themiddle term method,

x2 + 2√3x – 9 = 0

x2 + (3√3x – √3x) – 9 = 0

x(x + 3√3) – √3(x +3√3) = 0

(x – √3)(x + 3√3) = 0

 x =  √3,-3√3

(iv) Sum of the zeroes= -3/2√5x

Product of the zeroes= – ½

P(x) = x2 – (sum of the zeroes) + (product of the zeroes)

Then, P(x)= x2  -(-3/2√5x) – ½

P(x)= 2√5x2 + 3x – √5

Using splitting themiddle term method,

2√5x2 + 3x – √5 = 0

2√5x2 + (5x – 2x) – √5 = 0

2√5x2 – 5x + 2x – √5 = 0

√5x (2x + √5) – (2x +√5) = 0

(2x + √5)(√5x – 1) = 0

 x = 1/√5, -√5/2

Question - 2 : -

Given that the zeroesof the cubic polynomial x3 – 6x2 + 3+ 10 are of the form ab+2for some real numbers and b, findthe values of and as well as the zeroesof the given polynomial.

Answer - 2 : -


Given that a, a+b,a+2b are roots of given polynomial x³-6x²+3x+10

Sum of the roots a+2b+a+a+b = -coefficient of x²/ coefficientof x³

3a+3b = -(-6)/1 = 6

3(a+b) = 6

a+b = 2 ——— (1) b =2-a

Product of roots (a+2b)(a+b)a = -constant/coefficient of x³

(a+b+b)(a+b)a = -10/1

Substituting the valueof a+b=2 in it

(2+b)(2)a = -10

(2+b)2a = -10

(2+2-a)2a = -10

(4-a)2a = -10

4a-a² = -5

a²-4a-5 = 0

a²-5a+a-5 = 0

(a-5)(a+1) = 0

a-5 = 0 or a+1 = 0

a = 5 a = -1

a = 5, -1 in (1) a+b =2

When a = 5, 5+b=2 b=-3

a = -1, -1+b=2 b= 3

If a=5 then b= -3


If a= -1 then b=3

Question - 3 : - Given that 2 is a zero of the cubic polynomial 6x3 + x2 – 10– 42 , find its other two zeroes.

Answer - 3 : -

Given, √2 is one ofthe zero of the cubic polynomial.

Then, (x-√2) is one ofthe factor of the given polynomial p(x) = 6x³+√2x²-10x- 4√2.

So, by dividing p(x)by x-√2

6x³+√2x²-10x-4√2=(x-√2) (6x² +7√2x + 4)

By splitting themiddle term,

We get,

(x-√2) (6x² + 4√2x +3√2x + 4)

= (x-√2) [ 2x(3x+2√2)+ √2(3x+2√2)]

= (x-√2) (2x+√2)  (3x+2√2)

To get the zeroes ofp(x),

Substitute p(x)= 0

(x-√2) (2x+√2) (3x+2√2)= 0

x= √2 , x= -√2/2 ,x=-2√2/3

Hence, the other twozeroes of p(x) are -√2/2 and -2√2/3

Question - 4 : -

Verify that the numbers given alongside of thecubic polynomials below are their zeroes. Also verify the relationship betweenthe zeroes and the coefficients in each case:

(i) 2x3+x2-5x+2; -1/2,1, -2               (ii) x3-4x2+5x-2 ;2, 1, 1

Answer - 4 : -

(i) 2x3+x2-5x+2; -1/2,1, -2


Given, p(x) 2x3+x2-5x+2

And zeroes for p(x) are = 1/2, 1, -2

  p(1/2) = 2(1/2)3+(1/2)2-5(1/2)+2

             = (1/4)+(1/4)-(5/2)+2

              = 0

     p(1)= 2(1)3+(1)2-5(1)+2  

        = 0

      p(-2)= 2(-2)3+(-2)2-5(-2)+2

         = 0

Hence, proved 1/2, 1, -2 are the zeroes of 2x3+x2-5x+2.

Now, comparing the given polynomial withgeneral expression, we get;


 = 2x3+x2-5x+2

a=2, b=1, c= -5 and d = 2

As we know, if α, β, γ are the zeroes of thecubic polynomial ax3+bx2+cx+d , then;

α +β+γ = –b/a

αβ+βγ+γα = c/a

α βγ = – d/a.

Therefore, putting the values of zeroes of thepolynomial,

α+β+γ = ½+1+(-2)  

            = -1/2

            = –b/a

αβ+βγ+γα = (1/2×1)+(1 ×-2)+(-2×1/2)

                  = -5/2

                  = c/a

α β γ = ½×1×(-2)

         = -2/2

         = -d/a

Hence, the relationship between the zeroes andthe coefficients are satisfied.

(ii) x3-4x2+5x-2 ;2, 1, 1


Given, p(x) = x3-4x2+5x-2

And zeroes for p(x) are 2,1,1.

p(2)= 23-4(2)2+5(2)-2

         = 0

p(1) = 13-(4×1)+(5×1)-2

        = 0

Hence proved, 2, 1, 1 are the zeroes of x3-4x2+5x-2

Now, comparing the given polynomial withgeneral expression, we get;

ax3+bx2+cx+d = x3-4x2+5x-2

a = 1, b = -4, c = 5 and d = -2

As we know, if α, β, γ are the zeroes of thecubic polynomial ax3+bx2+cx+d , then;

α + β + γ = –b/a

αβ + βγ + γα = c/a

α β γ = – d/a.

Therefore, putting the values of zeroes of thepolynomial,

α +β+γ = 2+1+1 = 4 = -(-4)/1 = –b/a

αβ+βγ+γα = 2×1+1×1+1×2 = 5 = 5/1= c/a

αβγ = 2×1×1 = 2 = -(-2)/1 = -d/a

Hence, the relationship between the zeroes andthe coefficients are satisfied.

Question - 5 : -

Find a cubic polynomial with the sum, sum ofthe product of its zeroes taken two at a time, and the product of its zeroes as2, –7, –14 respectively.

Answer - 5 : -


Let us consider the cubic polynomial is ax3+bx2+cx+dand the values of the zeroes of the polynomials be α, β, γ.

As per the given question,

α+β+γ = -b/a

          = 2/1

αβ +βγ+γα = c/a

                   = -7/1

α βγ = -d/a

         = -14/1

Thus, from above three expressions we get thevalues of coefficient of polynomial.

a = 1, b = -2, c = -7, d = 14

Hence, the cubic polynomial is x3-2x2-7x+14

Question - 6 : -

If the zeroes of the polynomial x3-3x2+x+1 are a – b, a, a + b, find a and b.

Answer - 6 : -


We are given with the polynomial here,

p(x) = x3-3x2+x+1

And zeroes are given as a – b, a, a + b

Now, comparing the given polynomial withgeneral expression, we get;

px3+qx2+rx+s = x3-3x2+x+1

p = 1, q = -3, r = 1 and s = 1

Sum of zeroes = a – b + a + a + b

-q/p = 3a

Putting the values q and p.

-(-3)/1 = 3a


Thus, the zeroes are 1-b, 1, 1+b.

Now, product of zeroes = 1(1-b)(1+b)

-s/p = 1-b2

-1/1 = 1-b2

b2 = 1+1 = 2

b = √2

Hence,1-√2, 1 ,1+√2 are the zeroes of x3-3x2+x+1.

Question - 7 : - two zeroes of the polynomial x4-6x3-26x2+138x-35 are 2 ±3, findother zeroes.

Answer - 7 : -

Question - 8 : -

_If the polynomial x4 – 6x3 + 16x2 – 25x + 10 is divided by another polynomial x2 – 2x + k, the remainder comes out to be x +a, find k and a.

Answer - 8 : -

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