Question -
Accounts to Research Lab | 55 m |
Accounts to Store | 150 m |
Store to Packaging Unit | 160 m |
Packaging Unit to Research Lab | 60 m |
Accounts to Packaging Unit | 125 m |
Store to Research Lab | 180 m |
Number of computers
Accounts | 25 |
Research Lab | 100 |
Store | 15 |
Packaging Unit | 60 |
As a network expert,provide the best possible answer for the following queries :
1. Suggest a cable layoutof connections between the buildings.
2. Suggest the mostsuitable place (i.e. buildings) to house the server of this origanization.
3. Suggest the placementof the following device with justification :
(a) Repeater
(b) Switch/Hub
4. Suggest a system(hardware/sofware) to prevent unauthorized access to or from the network.
Answer -
(i)Layout 1

(ii) The most suitable place/building to house the server of this organizationwould be in Research Lab, building as this building contains the maximum numberof computers.
(iii) (a) For layout I, since the cabling distance between Accounts to Store isquite large, so a repeater would ideally be needed along their path to avoid lossof signals during the course of data flow in this route. For layotat2, sincethe cabling distance between Store to Research Lab is quite large, so arepeater would ideally be placed.
(b) In both the layouts, a Flub/Switch each would be needed in all thebuildings to interconnect the group of cables from the different computers ineach building.
(iv) Firewall