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During their conversation, Lushkoff revealed that Olga saved him. When he went to Sergei’s house to chop wood, Olga began by calling him a ‘miserable creature’ and saying that there was nothing for him but ruin. Then she sat down opposite him, grew sad, looked into his face, and wept. She called him an ‘unlucky man’, ‘a drunkard’, and ‘unhappy one’ and said that there was no pleasure for him in this world. She suffered misery and shed many tears for his sake. Then Lushkoff told Sergei that the main thing was that it was Olga who chopped the wood for him. Lushkoff had not chopped one single stick of wood for Sergei. This was what saved him, changed him, and he had even stopped drinking at the sight of her. It was because of her words and noble deeds that a change took place in his heart. She had set him on the right path.