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Microorganisms which cause diseases in men, animals and plants, are called pathogens. Pathogens or germs enter a healthy body through air, water, contaminated food and an infected person by direct or indirect contact or by a carrier. Common ailments like cold, influenza (flu), coughs, polio, chicken pox are caused by viruses. Foot and mouth diseases of cattle are also caused by viruses. Typhoid, tuberculosis (TB) are caused by bacteria. Anthrax a dangerous human and cattle disease is also caused by bacteria. Disease like dysentery and malaria are caused by protozoa. Ringworm is caused by fungi. Some microorganisms release toxic substances when they grow on food. Citrus canker is a bacterial disease that affects trees of citrus fruits and is spread by air. Yellow vein mosaic disease is caused by insect in bhindi. Rust of wheat is a fungi disease spread by air.