Question -

Write 10 lines on the usefulness of microorganisms in our lives.

Answer -

Microorganisms are useful for us in many ways e.g.,

  1. bacterium, lactobacillus convert milk into curd.
  2. bacteria are also involved in the making of cheese.
  3. Acetobacter aceti is used for production of acetic acid from alcohol.
  4. Yeast is used for commercial production of alcohol and wine.
  5. Antibiotics are manufactured by growing specific microorganisms.
  6. Some bacteria fix atmospheric nitrogen and increase the soil fertility.
  7. Bacteria are used in the preparation of medicines like antibiotics and vaccines.
  8. Bacteria are used in the preservation of pickles and many other food items.
  9. Yeast is also used in baking industry for making breads, pastries and cakes.
  10. They act as cleansing agent and decompose the waste products into manure.


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