Question -


  1. Is garbage disposal the responsibility only of the government?
  2. Is it possible to reduce the problems relating to disposal of garbage?

Answer -

In most of the cities, the responsibility of garbage disposal is on Municipal Corporations and most of the people realize no responsibility of their own. We should realize that the cleanliness is the collective responsibility of both, the people and the government. If people are not aware of their responsibilities, government alone cannot successfully manage the garbage disposal. We must have correct idea and we must try our best to make our surroundings clean. We should not throw our wastes here and there. We should manage disposal problems at the level of our mohallas rather than waiting for government efforts.
Yes. It is possible to reduce the problems relating to disposal of garbage. We can try 3‘R’ to reduce this problem. These are:
  1. Reduce : We should minimize the use of things that produce wastes.
  2. Reuse : We can reuse many things which we usually throw after using j once.
  3. Recycle : We can recycle the things that we usually throw and make many useful things, e.g., paper can be recycled to make paper baskets etc. .


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