Chapter 6 Who I Am Solutions

Question - 21 : -
Why was Algu upset over Jumman’s nomination as head Panch?

Answer - 21 : -

Algu was upset because Jumman was annoyed with him for the previous judgement. Jumman wanted his revenge and he got an opportunity to do so.

Question - 22 : -
What was Jumman’s verdict as head Panch? How did Algu take it? (14,15)

Answer - 22 : -

Jumman said that Sahu has to pay Algu the price of the bullock as it suffered from no disease when Sahu bought it from Algu. This was the right decision and Algu appreciated it and said it was a victory of the panchayat.

Question - 23 : -
Which of the following sums up the story best?
(i) “I also know that you will not kill your conscience for the sake of friendship.”
(ii) “Let no one deviate from the path of justice and truth for friendship or enmity.”
(iii) “The voice of the Panch is the voice of God.”
Give a reason for your choice.

Answer - 23 : -

“Let no one deviate from the path of justice and truth for the sake of friendship or enmity.” This sums up the story best because the one who occupies the position of a judge becomes fair and free. He has to give fair judgement irrespective of his personal feelings.

Question - 24 : -
Replace the italicized portion of each sentence below with a suitable phrase from the box. Make necessary changes, wherever required.

look after, swallow, make it up, keep mum, go into, ease one’s conscience, as ill luck would have it, a tight spot, take chances, my heart sank

1. The best way to avoid an unnecessary argument is to remain silent.
2. Unfortunately, the train I was trying to catch was cancelled.3. He has been told not to take risks while driving a car through a rowded street.
4. The patient needs to be properly taken care of.
5. Why don’t the two of you end your quarrel by shaking hands?
6. I was in a difficult situation till my friends came to my rescue.
7. When I saw a pile of dirty dishes, I felt very disappointed.
8. I will examine the matter carefully before commenting on it.
9. They criticized him in the meeting but he accepted without protest all the criticism.
10. It will free me from worry to know that I had done nothing wrong.

Answer - 24 : -

1. The best was to avoid an unnecessary argument is to keep mum.
2. As ill luck would have it, the train I was trying to catch was cancelled.
3. He has been told not to take chances while driving a car through a crowded street.
4. The patient needs to be properly looked after.
5. Why don’t the two of you make it up by shaking hands?
6. I was in a tight spot till my friends came to my rescue.
7. When I saw a pile of dirty dishes, my heart sank.
8. I will go into the matter carefully before commenting on it.
9. They criticised him in the meeting, but he swallowed all the criticism.
10. It will ease one’s conscience to know that I had done nothing wrong.

Question - 25 : -
 Look at the following phrases and their meanings. Use the phrases to fill in the blanks in the sentences given below.

set up – put in place or start
set aside – save or keep for a particular purpose
set down – write or record
set out – start on a journey
set in – begin and seem likely to continue

1. Why don’t you ………………. your ideas on paper?
2. A fund has been ……………. for the soldiers’ families.
3. We should ………… a little money every month.
4. You should buy some woollens before winter…………..
5. They ………….. on the last stage of their journey.

Answer - 25 : -

1. Why don’t you set down your ideas on paper?
2. A fund has been set up for the soldiers’ families.
3. We should set aside a little money every month.
4. You should buy some woollens before winter set in.
5. They set out on the last stage of their journey.

Question - 26 : -
Your teacher will speak the words listed below. Write against each a word of opposite meaning.
Examples :
Liquid – Solid
Hard – Soft

Answer - 26 : -

1. Old – New
2. Wet – Dry
3. Open – Close
4. Blunt – Sharp
5. Forget – Remember

Question - 27 : -
Answer the following questions.

1. Peter’s favourite day of the week is Sunday because _______
2. Nasir wants to learn __________
3. Dolma believes that she can make a good Prime Minister because ______

Answer - 27 : -

1. Peter’s favourite day of the week is Sunday because on this day his whole family always goes to the cinema hall to the see a film. In the interval, his father buys peanuts for all of them. Afterwards, they always stop to eat ice cream.

2. Nasir wants to learn how to preserve seeds so that his family can use them again, and not spend money on seeds every year.

3. Dolma believes that she can make a good Prime Minister because she wants to make things better for everyone. Everyone in her class asks her what to do when they have a problem, and her teacher always trusts her when something needs to be done in school.

Question - 28 : -
Write True or False against each of the following statements.

1. Peter is an only child.
2. When Serbjit gets angry he shouts at people. 
3. Nasir lives in the city.
4. Radha’s mother enjoys doing things with her.

Answer - 28 : -

1. Peter is an only child. False

2. When Serbjit gets angry he shouts at people. False

3. Nasir lives in a city. False

4. Radha’s mother enjoys doing things with her. True

Question - 29 : -
Fill in the blanks to name the different kinds of intelligence. One has been done for you.

When I enjoy listening to people and solving their problems I use my interpersonal intelligence.

(i) When I enjoy dancing or physical activity, I use my ______________ intelligence.
(ii) When I enjoy looking at maps and examining pictures, I use my ___________ intelligence.
(iii) When I enjoy working with numbers and solving maths problems, I use my ___________ intelligence.
(iv) When I enjoy telling a story or arguing, I use my ____________ intelligence.

Answer - 29 : -

(i) When I enjoy dancing or physical activity, I use my bodily intelligence.

(ii) When I enjoy looking at maps and examining pictures, I use my visual intelligence.

(iii) When I enjoy working with numbers and solving maths problems, I use my mathematical intelligence.

(iv) When I enjoy telling a story or arguing, I use my verbal intelligence.

Question - 30 : -

Match the job on theleft with its description on the right.




Advises people what to do about jobs, personal problems, etc.


Architect _______________


Works in politics, usually by standing for election.




Finds and monitors the route to get to a place, or the direction of travel.


Engineer _______________


Reports on recent news for newspaper, radio, or TV.


Computer ______________



Plans the design of a building, town, or city.


Athlete _______________


Controls and puts together a programme of music.


Disc jockey_____________


Works in sports or activities such as running, jumping etc.




Designs and builds things like roads, bridges, or engines.


Counsellor _____________


Makes up notes to create music.


Journalist ______________


Designs the system by which a computer runs or gives information.


Answer - 30 : -




Finds and monitors the route to get to a place or the direction of travel




Plans the design of a building, town or city




Works in politics, usually by standing for election




Designs and builds things like roads, bridges or engines


Computer Programmer


Designs the system by which a computer runs or gives information




Works in sports or activities such as running, jumping, etc.


Disc jockey


Controls and puts together a program or music




Makes up notes to create music




Advises people what to do about jobs, personal problems, etc.




Reports on recent news for newspaper, radio or TV


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