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Factors facilitating positive health and well-being are:
1.Diet: Diet can affect health independently or may enhance or modify the effects of stress in combination with other factors:
(a) How much nutrition one needs depends on one’s activity level, genetic structure,climate and health history. In fact, there is no one diet, which is ideal for everyone, in all situations.
(b) Stress is supposed to affect diet and weight in many wrays. People, who are under stress or in a negative moods are often seen eating more. They seek ‘comfort foods’ or foods that make them feel better.
(c)Stress may increase consumption of less healthy foods. Such people gain weight and loose stamina to fight stress.
(d)Obesity and weight gain is a problem for a section of the society. A much larger section of the society, which is below the poverty line, suffer from malnutrition.
(e)In the condition of poverty, women are the one who are most malnourished. Studies have shown that in India diets of female children and women are inadequate due to discriminatory practices.
2. Exercise:
•Exercise is directly related to promoting positive health.
•Two kinds of physical exercises essential for good health are ‘stretching exercises’ such as yogic asanas and ‘aerobic exercises’ such as jogging, swimming and cycling.
•Stretching exercises have a calming effect.
•Aerobic exercises increase the arousal level of the body.
•Yogic asanas provide systematic stretching to all the muscles and joints of the body and massages the glands and other body organs.
•Regular exercise reduces stress because it improves efficiency of vital body organs and improves immune system.
•Positive health and well-being come through a positive attitude of the mind.
•Positive health is the state of complete physical, mental, social and spiritual well¬being. It is not merely the absence of disease.
•Positive health comprises high quality of personal relationships, a sense of purpose in life, self regard, mastery of life skills and resilience to stress, trauma and change.
3.Positive Attitude:
Positive health and well-being can be realized by:
•Perceiving the reality fairly accurately.
•Tolerating and understanding different points of view.
•Having a sense of purpose in life.
•Having a sense of responsibility, accepting blame for failures and taking credit for success.
•Being open to new ideas, activities, or ways of doing things.
•Having a good sense of humour, to be able to laugh at oneself and absurdities of life helps to see things in their proper perspective.
4.Positive Thinking:
•Positive thinking leads to a belief that adversity can be handled successfully whereas negative thinking and pessimism anticipate disaster.
•Optimism, which is the inclination to expect favourable life outcomes is directly linked to psychological and physical well-being.
•Optimists use more problem-focused coping and seek advice and help from others. This optimism function helps the individual to cope up stress effectively.