Question -

Are you a member of a certain group? Discuss what motivated are you to join that groups.

Answer -

Definitely I am member of various groups. In other words, I will say that there is no dimension of life where I am not related to a group because we all are social beings and for everything, we are dependent on this or that group. There are various reasons which
motivate me and everybody to join a group. Some of them are as follows:
(i)Security: Groups reduce the feeling of insecurity. Being with people gives a sense of comfort and protection.
(ii)Status: When the group is perceived as important high profile and well known, then the members also feel recognized and ‘experience a sense of power’, e.g., being a student of high profile school.
(iii)Self-esteem: Being a member of a prestigious group enhances the individual’s self-concept.
(iv) Satisfaction of one’s Psychological and Social Needs: Groups satisfy one’s social and psychological needs such as sense of belongingness, giving and receiving attention, love and power.
(v)Group Achievement: Groups help in achieving the goals which cannot be attained individually.
(vi)Provide Knowledge and Information: Group membership provides us knowledge and information and broadens our views.


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