Question -

Bring out three differences each between Socialist Parties and the Communist Party and between Bharatiya Jana Sangh and Swatantra Party.

Answer -

 1. Differences between Socialist Parties and Communist Party:

Socialist Parties       

 Communist Parties

These parties believed in ideology of democratic socialism.

This party believed in communism.

Socialist party criticised capitalism and for the establishment of socialistic state.

Communist party was primarily secular, modern and also authoritarian.

Socialist party wanted more radical and egalitarian nature of congress

Communist party also wanted the radical nature of congress but went through violence to achieve its aims.

2. Differences between Bharatiya Jana Sangh and Swatantra party:

Bharatiya Jana Sangh

Swatantra Party

It emphasised on the ideology of one country, one culture and one nation.

It emphasised on the free economy and less involvement of government in

This called for a unity of India and Pakistan in Akhand Bharat.

It was critical to the policy of non- alignment and favoured to have closer relations

It was a consistent advocate of India to develop nuclear weapons.

This party criticised centralised planning nationalisation and one public sector.


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