Question -

Two amplifiers are connected one after the other in series(cascaded). The first amplifier has a voltage gain of 10 and the second has avoltage gain of 20. If the input signal is 0.01 volt, calculate the output acsignal.

Answer -

Voltage gain of the first amplifier, V1 = 10

Voltage gain of the second amplifier, V2 = 20

Input signal voltage, Vi =0.01 V

Output AC signal voltage = Vo

The totalvoltage gain of a two-stage cascaded amplifier is given by the product ofvoltage gains of both the stages, i.e.,

V = V1 × V2

= 10 × 20 =200

We have the relation:

V0 = V × Vi

= 200 ×0.01 = 2 V

Therefore, the output AC signal of the given amplifier is2 V.


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