Question -
Answer -
Capacitance of capacitor C1 is100 pF.
Capacitance of capacitor C2 is200 pF.
Capacitance of capacitor C3 is200 pF.
Capacitance of capacitor C4 is100 pF.
Supply potential, V = 300V
Capacitors C2 and C3 areconnected in series. Let their equivalent capacitance be 
Capacitors C1 and C’ arein parallel. Let their equivalent capacitance be 
are connected in series. Let theirequivalent capacitance be C.Hence, the equivalentcapacitance of the circuit is 
Potential differenceacross
Potential difference across C4 = V4

Charge on 
Q4= CV

Hence, potential difference, V1,across C1 is 100 V.
Charge on C1 isgiven by,

C2 and C3 having samecapacitances have a potential difference of 100 V together. Since C2 and C3 arein series, the potential difference across C2 and C3 isgiven by,
V2 = V3 = 50 V
Therefore, charge on C2 isgiven by,

And charge on C3 isgiven by,

Hence, the equivalentcapacitance of the given circuit is