Question -
Answer -
Capacitance of thecapacitor,┬аC┬а= 100 ╬╝F = 100 ├Ч 10тИТ6┬аF
Resistance of the resistor,┬аR┬а=40 ╬й
Supply voltage,┬аV┬а=110 V
Frequency of the supply,┬а╬╜┬а=12 kHz = 12 ├Ч 103┬аHz
Angular Frequency,┬а╧Й┬а=2 ╧А╬╜= 2 ├Ч ╧А ├Ч 12 ├Ч 10303
= 24╧А ├Ч 103┬аrad/s
Maximum current,┬а
For an┬аRC┬аcircuit,the voltage lags behind the current by a phase angle of┬а╬ж┬аgivenas:

Hence,┬а╬ж┬аtendsto become zero at high frequencies. At a high frequency, capacitor C acts as aconductor.
In a dc circuit, after the steadystate is achieved,┬а╧Й┬а= 0. Hence, capacitor C amounts to anopen circuit.