Question -
Answer -
Inductance of the inductor,┬аL┬а=0.5 Hz
Resistance of the resistor,┬аR┬а=100 ╬й
Potential of the supplyvoltages,┬аV┬а= 240 V
Frequency of the supply,╬╜┬а=┬а10 kHz = 104┬аHz
Angular frequency,┬а╧Й┬а=2╧А╬╜= 2╧А ├Ч 104┬аrad/s
(a)┬аPeak voltage,┬а
Maximum current,┬а
(b)┬аFor phasedifference╬ж, we have the relation:

It can be observed that┬аI0┬аisvery small in this case. Hence, at high frequencies, the inductor amounts to anopen circuit.
In a dc circuit, after a steadystate is achieved,┬а╧Й┬а= 0. Hence, inductor L behaves like apure conducting object.