Room temperature, T = 27°C= 27 + 273 = 300 K
Atmospheric pressure, P = 1atm = 1.01 × 105 Pa
Atomic weight of a He atom= 4
Avogadro’s number, NA =6.023 × 1023
Boltzmann constant, k =1.38 × 10−23 J mol−1 K−1
Average energy of a gas at temperature T,isgiven as:

De Broglie wavelength isgiven by the relation:

m = Mass of a He atom

We have the ideal gasformula:
PV = kNT

V = Volume of the gas
N = Number of moles of the gas
Mean separation betweentwo atoms of the gas is given by the relation:

Hence,the mean separation between the atoms is much greater than the de Brogliewavelength.