Question -

Due to economic reasons, only theupper sideband of an AM wave is┬аtransmitted,but at the receiving station, there is a facility for generating the carrier.Show that if a device is available which can multiply two signals, then it ispossible to recover the modulating signal at the receiver station.

Answer -

Let┬а╧Йc┬аand┬а╧Йs┬аbe the respective frequencies of thecarrier and signal waves.

Signal received at the receiving station,┬аV┬а=┬аV1┬аcos (╧Йc┬а+┬а╧Йs)t

Instantaneous voltage of┬аthe carrier wave,┬аVin┬а=┬аVc┬аcos┬а╧Йct
At┬аthereceiving station, the low-pass filter allows only high frequency signals topass through it. It obstructs the low frequency signal┬а╧Йs. Thus, at the receiving station, one can recordthe modulating signal┬а, which is the signal frequency.



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