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Answer -
Electrons are accelerated by avoltage,┬аV┬а= 50 kV = 50 ├Ч 103┬аV
Charge on an electron,┬аe┬а=1.6 ├Ч 10тИТ19┬аC
Mass of an electron,┬аme┬а=9.11 ├Ч 10тИТ31┬аkg
Wavelength of yellow light = 5.9 ├Ч 10тИТ7┬аm
The kinetic energy of theelectron is given as:
= 1.6 ├Ч 10тИТ19┬а├Ч 50 ├Ч 103
= 8 ├Ч 10тИТ15┬аJ
De Broglie wavelength isgiven by the relation:

This wavelength is nearly 105┬аtimesless than the wavelength of yellow light.
Theresolving power of a microscope is inversely proportional to the wavelength oflight used. Thus, the resolving power of an electron microscope is nearly 105┬аtimesthat of an optical microscope.