The Total solution for NCERT class 6-12
Primary Activities
Secondary Activities
(i) those activities, which depend directly on nature for extraction of resources.
(i) They convert raw material obtained from primary activities into finished goods of higher value.
(ii) It includes activities like agriculture, mining, fishing, etc.
(ii)It concerned with manufacturing, processing and construction (infrastructure) industries.
(iii) They are pre-dominant in under developed/developing countries.
(iii) They are dominant in developed countries.
(iv) They earn low value and some need to be processed by secondary activities for sale in market.
(iv) produce goods of higher value. They are dependent on primary activities for procurement of raw material.
(v) As economies develop, the share of primary activities decline.
(v) As economies develop, the share of secondary activities increase.
(vi) They form the basis of village economies
(vi) Secondary activities along with tertiary, quaternary and quinary activities form the basis of urban centers.