Question -

How will the Maharaja prepare himself for the hundredth tiger which was supposed to decide his fate ?

Answer -

The Maharaja had killed ninety-nine tigers. There remained just one tiger to achieve the Maharaja tally of a hundred tigers. Tigers were no more there in his father-in¬law’s kingdom. It became impossible to locate tigers anywhere. If he could kill just one more tiger, he would have no fears left. The villagers from a hillside village informed the Maharaja that their sheeps were disappearing, which is possibly because of a tiger. He set out on the hunt at once.

But the tiger was not easily found. The Maharaja refused to leave the forest until the tiger was found. As the tiger was not found, his anger and obstinacy rose to new heights. Then the Diwan got arranged a tiger from the people’s park in Madras. He dropped the tiger in his car to the forest where he was hunting. On the following day, the same tiger wandered into the Maharaja’s present. The Maharaja fired at the tiger, who fell down on the ground. He ordered that the tiger be brought to the capital in grand procession. After the Maharaja left in his car, the men found that the tiger was not dead as the Maharaja had misfired. So one of the hunters killed the tiger.


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