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Dreaming is a necessary part of one’s life. Without dreams, there will be no aims and aspirations in our lives.
Teenage is a stage which every human being goes through. At that she is involved in a romantic liaison with him. We cannot solely put the blame on her for this. Her dreams are unrealistic as age, everybody indulges in hero worship and fantasizing. This is what happens with Sophie also.
She idolizes Danny Casey to the extent that she imagines tend she views the world with rose-colored glasses. Her longing for earning a large amount of money forces her to dream of opening a boutique, become an actress or a fashion designer.
Such unrealistic dreams which are not within our reach can be damaging to our personality, as unrealistic goals which are beyond our capacity can lead to depression, low self-esteem and suicidal tendencies. Thus, dreams are a part and parcel of our lives. We cannot do without them, but we must remember that if we go overboard with them, they may have a negative effect on our personalities.