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1. “Money is a matter of the following four functions: A medium, a measure, a standard, a store”.
2. Money has overcome the short¬coming of a barter system in the following manner:
(a) Medium of exchange
• Under barter system, there is lack of double coincidence of wants.
• With money as a medium exchange individuals can exchange their goods and services for money and then use this money to buy other goods and services according to their needs and conveniences.
• A buyer can buy goods through money and a seller can sell goods for money.
(b) Measure of value
• Under barter system, there was no common measure of value. Money has also solved this difficulty.
• As Geoffrey Crowther puts it, “Money acts as a standard measure of value to which all other things can be compared.” Money measures the value of economic goods.
• Money works as a common denominator into which the values of all goods and services are expressed.
• When we express the values of a commodity in terms of money, it is called price and by knowing prices of the various commodities, it is easy to calculate exchange ratios between them.
(c) Store of value
• Under barter system it is very difficult to store wealth for future use.
• Most of the goods are perishable and their storage requires huge space and transportation cost.
• Wealth can be conveniently stored in the form of money.
• Money can be stored without loss in value.
• Money can easily be stored for future use.
(d) Standard of deferred payments
• Under barter system, transactions on deferred payments are not possible.
• With money, the debtors make a promise that they will make payments on some future dates. In those situations money acts as a standard of deferred payments.
• It has become possible because money has general acceptability, its value is stable, it is durable and homogeneous.