The Total solution for NCERT class 6-12
G.R.K InternationalInc. is planning to connect its Bengaluru Office Setup with its Head Office inDelhi. The Bengaluru Office G.R.K. inter-national Inc. is spread across andarea of approx. 1 square kilometer, consisting of 3 blocks – Human Resources,Academics and Administration.You as a network expert have to suggest answers to the four queries (i) to (iv)raised by them.Note : Keep the distance’ between blocks and no. of computers in each block inmind, while providing them the solutions.
Shortest distancesbetween various blocks :
Human Resources to Administration
100 m
Human Resources to Academics
65 m
Academics to Administration
110 m
Delhi Head Office to Bengaluru Office Setup
2350 km
Number of Computersinstalled at various blocks are as follows:
No. of Computers
Human Resources
Delhi Head Office
1. Suggest the mostsuitable block in the Bengaluru Office Setup, to host the server. Give asuitable reason with your suggestion.