Question -

What is point mutation? Give one example.

Answer -

The abrupt change in the gene structure due to a change in the single-base pair of DNA due to inversion and substitution without any alteration in the reading of succeeding bases. For example – sickle cell anemia.
A change in the shape of the RBCs from biconcave discs to elongated sickle-shaped structures is caused due to substitution of a single nitrogen base guanine to adenine at the sixth codon of the β-globin chain of the haemoglobin molecule. A typical RBC is biconcave, resembling flexible disc-like that facilitates the cells to pass through large and small blood vessels to convey oxygen. Whereas sickle-shaped RBCs are elongated, non-flexible and rigid in structure which causes the cells to stick to the walls of the blood vessels leading to a blockage slowing or stopping the blood flow, hence sickle cell anemia.


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