Various Assets (Excluding Cash/Bank, fictitious assets, Debit balance of P and L A/c, partner Capital A/c, Current A/c, Loan to Partner) Cash/Bank (Payment for realisation expenses) Cash/Bank (Payment to outside and unrecorded liabilities) Partner’s Capital A/c (If any liability taken on expenses paid by him or remuneration payable to him) Partner Capital A/c (Profit on realisation distributed in the profit sharing ratio among all the partners) | – – – – | Various Liabilities (Excluding Partner Capital account, reserves, P and L A/c, Current A/c, Loan to Partner) Provision on assets (like, Provision for doubtful debts; Provision for depreciation) Cash/Bank (Amount received from realisation of assets and unrecorded assets) Partner ‘s Capital A/c (If any asset taken over by any partner) Partner Capital A/c (Loss on realisation borne by all the partners in their profit sharing ratio) | – – – – | | |