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Work means carrying outactivities that require expenditure of mental and physical effort and can bepaid or unpaid. It has the objective of production of goods and services thatcater to human needs. Mainly, paid work is considered as real work and paidworkers are referred to as being employed.
There aretwo types of occupations, namely informal and formal.
Theinformal employment is found in the unorganised sector of the society, whereasthe formal employment is found in the organised sector of the society.
Informalemployment is mostly unrecorded and the workers are not paid on a regularbasis. Also, the payment is made either in terms of money or as goods orservices.
Informalemployment mostly includes physical work, whereas in the formal employment bothphysical and mental work is involved. Also, workers are paid a regular salaryin terms of money.
Beforeindustrialisation, in traditional societies, the work was performed in houseitself. This formed the informal employment. However, after industrialisation,with the advancement of technology, work shifted from home to factories andoffices, forming the formal sector of employment.
Theseoccupations change gradually. For instance, as the variety of work expanded andbecame complicated, it led to a specialised division of labour. Human labourwas replaced by machines and Industrialisation broke down processes into simpleoperations that could be precisely timed, organised and monitored.