Question -

Write an essay on school as a social institution. Draw from both your reading as well as your personal observations.

Answer -

The need for education gave riseto schools, and sociology terms this need as a process of transmission orcommunication of group heritage, which is common to all the societies.

Theschools function in order to discipline and regulate human behaviour. Hence,acting as a permanent and binding character.

Furthermore,Ginsberg defines the established institutions as “the recognized and establishedusage governing the relations between individuals and groups”, and schools areestablished institutions that provide formal education to students.

They havetheir own norms and values and certain rules and regulations that are to befollowed.

Accordingto Durkheim, for its survival, a society needs a common base − a certain numberof ideas, sentiments and practices which education must inculcate in allchildren indiscriminately.

Forfunctionalists, education system maintains and develops the social structureand culture. For those who perceive society as unequally differentiated,education functions as one of the main stratifying agent.

Accordingto common sense knowledge of a lay man, schools provide with one of the basiccomponents of socialisation. As a child grows and learns to become a part ofthe group amongst his/her peers, this process of inculcating the values andnorms of the society starts. Thus, the individual becomes a part of thesociety.



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