Question -

Discuss the kind of rights that exist in your society. How do they affect your life?

Answer -

There are three kinds of rightsthat exist in our society:

(i)Political rights such as participation in the formation of the government bycasting vote.

(ii)Civil rights, such as freedom of speech, choice of religion, the right to equaljustice before the law. The citizen has the freedom to live anywhere in thestate territory and has the right to own property irrespective of his/hergender.

(iii)Social rights, such as health benefits, unemployment allowance, and setting ofminimum level of wages. The citizen can enjoy a minimum standard of economicwelfare and security.

Theserights help in the smooth functioning of life of individuals, as they help in thegrowth of personality. For instance, the individual can go for higher studiesof his/ her subject of interest, he/she can learn any form of music and dance,and can also practice any religion. Therefore, the individual has right to makehis/her own choice and can also demand justice by appealing to the court.



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