Question -

What is the basic idea behind Maslow’s hierarchy of needs? Explain with suitable examples.

Answer -

Abraham Maslow, a humanist psychologist proposed a hierarchy of needs in which human needs are arranged in a sequence from primitive to human. They are interrelated in the sense that when one need is fulfilled, the next one takes on the mind. At the lowest level are the physiological needs followed by the other higher level needs as given below: 
1. Physiological needs:These are needs which are basic for survival.They include such as hunger, thirst.
2. Safety needs: The need to be free from any possible threat-both real and imaginary. It is of both physical and psychological nature.
3. Belongingness: Needs to belong, to affiliate, to love and to be loved by others. One can’t live alone and needs other’s company.
4. Esteem needs: Individual strives for the need for self-esteem to develop a sense of self worth once his belongingness needs are fulfilled.
5. Self-actualisation: It means to attain the fullest developments of one’s potential.
Such people are self-aware, socially responsible, creative, spontaneous, open to novelty and change, has a sense of humour and capacity for deep interpersonal relationships.


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