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Four lobes of the cerebral cortex are:
(1) Frontal lobe (3) Temporal lobe
(2) Parietal lobe (4) Occipital lobe
Functions of these four lobes are following:
1. Frontal lobe:
• Frontal lobe is mainly concerned with cognitive functions, such as attention,thinking, memory, learning, and reasoning.
• It also exerts inhibitory effects on autonomic and emotional responses.
2. Parietal lobe: The Parietal lobe is mainly concerned with cutaneous sensations and their coordination with visual and auditory sensations.
3. Temporal lobe:
• Temporal lobe is primarily concerned with the processing of auditory information.
• Memory for symbolic sounds and words resides here.
• Understanding of speech and written languages depends on this lobe.
4. Occipital lobe:
• Occipital lobe is mainly concerned with visual information.
• It is believed that interpretation of visual impulses, memory for visual stimuli and colour visual orientation is performed by this lobe.