Question -

Do you think that judicial activism can lead to a conflict between the judiciary and the executive? Why?

Answer -

Yes, the judicial activism can lead to a conflict between the judiciary and the executive because judicial activism has a great impact on the political system.

  1. Judicial activism make the electoral system much more easy by making it free and fair.
  2. The courts guided the candidates to file an affidavit which gives details of their assets and income alongwith educational qualification to let the voters know about them and to make executive much more accountable.
  3. This gives a dissatisfaction to the candidates and judicial activism has blurred the line of distinction between the executive and legislature on the one hand and the judiciary on the other. The court has been involved in resolving issues which belong to the executive.
  4. Reducing air or sound pollution or investigating cases of corruption or bringing about electoral reform is not the duty of judiciary, these are the duties to be performed by the executive. Hence, sometimes judicial activism can lead to a conflict between the judiciary and executive.


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