Question -

A class was debating the merits of a bicameral system. The following points were made during the discussion. Read the arguments and say if you agree or disagree with each of them, giving reasons.

  1.  Neha said that bicameral legislature does not serve any purpose.
  2.  Shama argued that experts should be nominated in the second chamber.
  3.  Tridib said that if a country is not a federation, then there is no need to have a second chamber.

Answer -

Any answer supported with argument or explanation would solve the purpose. It is strongly recommended that you prepare the solution on your own. However, some sample solutions have been provided for your reference:

  1. I do not agree with Neha. Bicameral legislature is necessary for a democratic country with large population and much diversity. It also presents the opportunity for the reconsideration of every decision along with a thorough debate.
  2. I agree with Shama that experts should be nominated into the second chamber as they can provide inputs on subjects that require technical knowledge and give rational suggestions for policy making.
  3. I do not agree with Tridib as federalism is not a pre-condition for having bicameral legislature. Therefore, the statement that a country without federalism need not have second chamber is incorrect.


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