The Total solution for NCERT class 6-12
A woman starts from her home at 9.00 am, walks at a speed of 5 km/h on astraight road up to her office 2.5 kmaway, stays at the office up to 5.00 pm, andreturns home by an auto with a speed of25 km/h. Choose suitable scales andplot the x-t graph of her motion.
Distance till heroffice = 2.5 km.Walking speed the woman= 5 km/hTime taken to reach office while walking = (2.5/5 ) h=(1/2) h = 30 minutes
Speed of auto = 25km/h
Time taken to reachhome in auto = 2.5/25 = (1/10) h = 0.1 h = 6 minutes
In the graph, O istaken as the origin of the distance and the time, then at t = 9.00 am, x= 0and at t = 9.30 am, x = 2.5 km
OA is the portion onthe x-t graph that represents her walk from home to the office. AB representsher time of stay in the office from 9.30 to 5. Her return journey isrepresented by BC.