Question -
Answer -
For the stationary observer: 400 Hz; 0.875 m; 350 m/s
For the running observer: Not exactly identical
For the stationary observer:
Frequency of the sound produced by the whistle, ν = 400 Hz
Speed of sound = 340 m/s
Velocity of the wind, v =10 m/s
As there is no relative motion between the source and theobserver, the frequency of the sound heard by the observer will be the same asthat produced by the source, i.e., 400 Hz.
The wind is blowing toward the observer. Hence, theeffective speed of the sound increases by 10 units, i.e.,
Effective speed of the sound, ve =340 + 10 = 350 m/s
The wavelength (λ) of the sound heardby the observer is given by the relation:

For the running observer:
Velocity of the observer, vo =10 m/s
The observer is moving toward the source. As a result ofthe relative motions of the source and the observer, there is a change infrequency (
This is given by the relation:

Since the air is still, the effective speed of sound = 340+ 0 = 340 m/s
The source is at rest. Hence, the wavelengthof the sound will not change, i.e., λ remains 0.875 m.
Hence, the given two situations are not exactly identical.