Question -

A calorie is a unit of heat or energy and it equals about 4.2 Jwhere 1J = 1 kg m2s–2. Suppose we employ a system ofunits in which the unit of mass equals α kg, the unit of length equals β m, theunit of time is γ s. Show that a calorie has a magnitude 4.2 α–1 β–2 γinterms of the new units.

Answer -

Given that,

1 calorie = 4.2 (1 kg) (1 m2) (1 s–2)

New unit of mass = α kg

Hence,in terms of the new unit, 1 kg =
In terms of the new unit of length,
And, in terms of the new unit of time,

1 calorie = 4.2 (1 α–1)(1 β–2) (1 γ2) = 4.2 α–1 β–2 γ2


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