Question -

The following words used in the text as ship terminology are also commonly used in another sense. In what contexts would you use the other meaning ?
Knot Stern Boom Hatch Anchor

Answer -

The other meaning of these words are

1. Knot :
(i) part of one or more pieces of string, rope, etc. twisted together, usually to make a fastening, e.g. tie a knot in a rope; make a knot; something that ties together, e.g. marriage-knot.
(ii) piece of ribbon, etc. twisted and tied as an ornament.
(iii) difficulty; hard problem, e.g. tie oneself s knot (get badly confused about something.)
(iv) hard lump irks wood where a branch grew out from a bough or trunk.
(v) group of person or things e.g. People were standing about in knots.
(vi) knotty problem : one that is difficult to solve.

2. Stern:
(i) demanding and enforcing obedience, e.g. a stem taskmaster.
(ii) severe; strict, e.g. a stem face; stem looks; stem treatment; stem rebukes.

3. Boom :
(i) heavy chain, mass of floating logs etc. held in position across a river or harbour entrance, e.g. as a defence in time of war or to prevent logs from floating away.
(ii) long, movable arm for a microphone.
(iii) make deep, hollow, or resonant sounds (e.g. of big guns, the wind, an organ.)
(iv) boom out: utter in a deep voice.
(v) sudden increase in trade activity, especially at a time when money is being made quickly.
(vi) boom towmtown showing sudden growth and prosperity.
(vii) have a boom: become well known and successful, e.g. Jones is booming as a novelist, (becoming famous).

4. Hatch :
(i) opening in a wall between two rooms, especially a kitchen and a dining room, through which dishes etc. are passed.
(ii) break out of an egg, e.g. The hen is hatching an egg.
(iii) think out and produce a plot etc. e.g. of a story or novel.
(iv) draw on or engrave (a surface) with parallel lines

5. Anchor :
(i) anything that gives stability or security
(ii) anchor man : one who co-ordinates the work of a group of persons who work together, e.g. in a radio or T. V. Studio.


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