Question -

Give reasons for the following.
(i) King Tut’s body has been subjected to repeated scrutiny.

Answer -

1. In 1922, Howard Carter, A British archaeologist, discovered Tut’s tomb and in the process, cut the body to remove it from the coffin.

2. In 1968, a professor of anatomy x-rayed the mummy. He discovered that Tut’s breastbone and front ribs were missing.

3. In January 2005, the mummy was taken out for a CT scan.
King Tut was just a teenager when he died. He was the last heir of a powerful family that had ruled Egypt for centuries. He was laid to rest, laden with large quantities of gold, and eventually forgotten.

It was when his tomb was discovered that the modem world wondered why he had died at such an early age. The possibility of him being murdered could not be ruled out.


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