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Due to vast deforestation and ecological disturbances our planet Earth is ailing. We must behave like responsible trustees of the legacy to future generations. But we are not acting as “good stewards” and are constantly ignoring our environmental obligations. The concept of ‘sustainable development’ was popularized in 1987 by the World Commission on Environment and Development. In its report it defined the idea as ‘Development that meets the needs of the present, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs’.
Thus we should never try to strip the natural world of resources which would be needed by our future generations. That is why this question was raised by Brandt Commission : ‘Are we to leave our successors a scorched planet of advancing deserts, impoverished landscapes and ailing environment’ ? If we are not consciously aware of preserving forests and natural resources needs of our future generations, then we shall be leaving for them advancing deserts, impoverished landscapes and an ailing environment.