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Green Revolution. This strategy, which was launched in October 1965, has been given different names such as, New Agricultural Strategy (NAS), or Seed-Fertilizers Water Technology.
Before adopting the New Agricultural Strategy (NAS), the state of Indian agriculture was as follows:
(a) there was low and erratic growth,
(b) there was extreme regional unevenness and growing interclass inequality,
(c) there were serious droughts for two consecutive years
(d) there was a war with Pakistan
(e) USA denied India PL 480 imports.
India decided to get rid of this dependence on foreign aid in such a vital matter as food supply.
And that was the genesis of our Green Revolution, i.e., biochemical technology to step up output per acre by using scientifically inclined techniques and methods of production.
Benefits of Green Revolution.
(i) Increase in Income. Since the Green Revolution was limited to wheat and rice for a number of years, its benefits were enjoyed by wheat and rice growing areas of Punjab, Haryana, Western Uttar Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh. The income of farmers in these States grew sharply. Green Revolution succeeded in removing rural poverty in these States.
(ii) Impact on Social Revolution. Along with economic revolution there was a social revolution. The old social beliefs and customs were destroyed and people were willing to accept changes in technology, seeds and fertilizers.’ The traditional methods of farming were transformed into modern methods of farming.
(iii) Increase in Employment. Green Revolution solved the problem of seasonal unemployment to a great extent because with the possibility of growing more than one crop on a piece of land, more working hands were needed throughout the year. Also, package inputs reqired better irrigation facilities which raised the employment rate.