The Total solution for NCERT class 6-12
Strategic Sale
Minority Sale
It refers to the sale of a stake of a PSU amounting to 51% to a private sector bidder with the highest bid.
It refers to the sale of stake of a PSU which can be less than or equal to 49% to a private sector bidder.
Change in ownership handed over to the major stakeholder
Ownership stays with the government due to virtue of holding 51% or more of the stake.
Bilateral Trade
Multilateral Trade
Exchange of goods between two nations promoting trade
It is a trade agreement between three or more nations
It provides equal opportunities to both the participating nation
Provides equal opportunity to all the members of the trade agreement
Tariff Barriers
Non-tariff Barriers
It refers to the tax that is imposed by the country in order to offer protection to the existing industries.
Refers to barriers which are government policies and practices that restrict foreign trade.
Tariff barriers raise the price of the product but have a limited effect on demand
It is more effective in raising demand