Question -

Does Python support data type conversion ?

Answer -

Yes, Python supportdata type conversion. To convert between built-in types, programmer simply usethe type name as a function. There are several built-in functions to performconversion from one data type to another. These functions return a new objectrepresting the converted value.



int (x [, base])

Converts x to an integer, base specifies the base if x is a string.

long [x [, base])

Converts x to a long integer, base specifies the base if x is a string.

float (x)

Converts x to a floating­point number.

complex (real, [ing])

Creates a complex number.

str (x)

Converts object x to a string representation.

repr (x)

Converts object x to an ex­pression string.

tuple (x)

Converts x to a tuple.

list (x)

Converts x to a list.

chr (x)

Convets an integer to a character.

unichr (x)

Converts an integer to a Unicode character.

diet (x)

Creates a disetionary, x must be a sequence of tuples.

set (x)

Converts x to a set



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