The Total solution for NCERT class 6-12
Predict the formula of the stable binary compounds thatwould be formed by the combination of the following pairs of elements.
(a) Lithiumandoxygen┬а┬а┬а┬а┬а┬а┬а┬а┬а┬а┬а┬а┬а┬а┬а ┬а ┬а (b) Magnesium and nitrogen
(c)Aluminium and iodine┬а┬а┬а┬а┬а┬а┬а┬а ┬а┬а┬а ┬а ┬а┬а (d) Silicon and oxygen
(e) Phosphorus and fluorine┬а┬а┬а┬а┬а┬а ┬а┬а ┬а┬а (f) Element 71 and fluorine
(f)┬аThe element with the atomic number 71 is Lutetium(Lu). It has valency 3. Hence, the formula of the compound is LuF3.