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Rekha Garments will have to following the procedure given below to execute the export order.
(a) As the exporter, it should first assess the creditworthiness of the importer, Swift Imports, through an enquiry. It should then ask for a letter of credit from the importer’s bank, guaranteeing to honour a draft of a specified amount drawn on it by the exporter.
(b) Once Rekha Garments is assured that it will be paid for the goods, it will need to register itself and secure an Importer Exporter Code number in order to obtain an export licence.
(c) After obtaining the licence, it should acquire pre-shipment finance from a bank in order to purchase raw materials to undertake production and packaging.
(d) With the finance made available, Rekha Garments can procure the raw materials and other inputs required and start the production process.
(e) After the goods are produced, Rekha Garmets must get them inspected before exporting them. For this inspection, it must contact the Export Inspection Agency (EIA) or another designated agency and obtain a certificate of inspection.
(f) The exporter then needs to secure excise clearance, for which it must submit an invoice to the regional excise commissioner. The excise commissioner then examines the invoice and, if satisfied, issues the excise clearance to the exporter.
(g) Once the excise clearance is received, Rekha Garments needs a certificate of origin, which specifies the country in which the goods are being produced. It allows the importer to claim tariff concessions and other exemptions, if any.
(h) The next step is for the exporter to submit an application to a shipping company for booking shipping space in a vessel. In the application, it must provide details such as the type of goods to be shipped and the port of destination. After the application is received, the shipping company will issue a shipping order to the captain of its ship to inform him or her that the specified goods will be received on board after the customs clearance.
(i) The goods are then properly packed and labelled with all the necessary information such as the importer’s name, port of destination, and gross and net weight of the goods.
(j) Once the goods are ready for export, Rekha Garments must insure the goods against perils of the sea or any related damage.
(k) It must then secure customs clearance before loading the goods on the ship. For getting customs clearance, the exporter must submit the necessary documents to the customs appraiser at Customs House.
(l) After customs clearance, a mate’s receipt will be issued by the captain or commanding officer of the ship to the exporter as evidence that the cargo has been loaded on the ship.
(m) Later, a bill of lading will have to be obtained from the shipping company as a token of acceptance that the goods have been put on board in its vessel.
(n) After the goods are shipped, an invoice will have to be prepared by the exporter, which will include the quantity of goods sent and the amount to be paid by the importer.
(o) The exporter then needs to send a set of documents to the banker, which are to be handed over to the importer on acceptance of a bill of exchange. After receiving the bill of exchange, the importer, Swift Imports, will instruct its bank to transfer money to the exporter’s bank account.
(p) Last, the exporter would be required to collect a bank certificate of payment, which will state that the necessary documents, along with the bill of exchange, have been presented to the importer for payment, and that the payment has been received in accordance with the exchange control regulations.