The Total solution for NCERT class 6-12
(a) Racemose inflorescence
Cymose inflorescence
1) Younger flowers are present at the tip while older flowers are arranged at the base of this inflorescence. Such an arrangement is called acropetal succession.2) The main axis in racemose inflorescence continues to grow and produce flowers laterally.
1) Younger flowers are present at the base of the inflorescence, while older flowers are present at the top. Such an arrangement is called basipetal succession.2) The main axis in cymose inflorescence has limited growth, which later terminates into a flower.
(b) Fibrous root
Adventitious root
1) In monocots, the primary root which develops from the radicle of the seed is short-lived and is replaced by a large number of roots arising from the base of the stem.2) It is found in wheat and other cereals.
1) These roots arise from any part of the plant other than the radicle of seeds.2) It is found in banyan,┬аMonstera,┬аand other plants.
(c) Apocarpous ovary
Syncarpous ovary
1) The flowers with apocarpus ovary have more than one carpel. These carpels are free.2) It is found in lotus and rose flowers.
1) The flowers with syncarpous ovary have more than one carpel. However, these carpels are fused.2) It is found in the flowers of tomato and mustard.