Question -

Compare the following:
(a) Central neural system (CNS) and Peripheral neural system (PNS).
(b) Resting potential and action potential.
(c) Choroid and retina.

Answer -

(a) CNS: It lies along the mid-dorsal axis of the body. It is a hollow, dorsally placed structure and comprises of brain and spinal cord. It is a centre of information processing and control.
PNS: Nerves arising from the central nervous system constitute the peripheral nervous system. It carries information to and from the CNS. It includes spinal nerves and cranial nerves.
(b) Resting potential: Outside the plasma membrane of a nerve fibre is the extracellular fluid which is positively charged with respect to the cell contents inside the plasma membrane. A resting nerve fibre shows a potential difference between inside and outside of this plasma membrane. This difference in the electrical charges across the plasma membrane is called the ‘resting potential’. A membrane with resting potential across it, is said to be electrically polarized. Action potential : Action potential is another name of nerve impulse. The contents inside a cell at the excited state becomes positively charged with respect to extracellular fluid outside it. This change in polarity across the plasma membrane is known as an action potential. The membrane with reversed polarity across it is said to be depolarized.
(c) Choroid: Choroid lies adjacent to the sclera and contains numerous blood vessels that supply nutrients and oxygen to the other tissues especially of retina. It contains abundant pigment cells and is dark brown in colour.
Retina: It is the neural and sensory layer of the eye ball. It is a very delicate coat and lines the whole of the vascular coat. Its external surface is in contact with the choroid and its internal surface with vitreous humour. It contains ganglion cells, bipolar cells and photoreceptor cells. membranous labyrinth. Membranous labyrinth consists of three semicircular ducts, utricle, saccule and cochlea.


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