Question -

State the limitations of trial balance?

Answer -

There are some errors that are not revealed by a Trial Balance. This inadequacy of the Trial Balance is termed as the limitations of Trial Balance. Here are some of the limitations of a trial balance.

  1. It is unable to detect errors known as Errors of Complete Omission which arise when an entry is not recorded in the Journal.
  2. It is unable to detect errors known as Compensatory Errors which is the effect of one error that is cancelled by the effect of another error.
  3. The Trial Balance fails to reflect errors such as if correct amount is posted in the correct side; but, in the wrong account and if wrong amount is posted in the wrong side, but in the correct account.
  4. It is unable to detect errors of principle that may take place in the account.
  5. It is unable to detect errors due to wrong entry in accounts, which can lead to errors.


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