Question -

Avillager Itwaari has a plot of land of the shape of a quadrilateral. The GramPanchayat of the village decided to take over some portion of his plot from oneof the corners to construct a Health Centre. Itwaari agrees to the aboveproposal with the condition that he should be given equal amount of land inlieu of his land adjoining his plot so as to form a triangular plot. Explainhow this proposal will be implemented.

Answer -

Let quadrilateral ABCD bethe original shape of the field.

The proposal may beimplemented as follows.

Join diagonal BD and drawa line parallel to BD through point A. Let it meet

the extended side CD ofABCD at point E. Join BE and AD. Let them intersect each other at O. Then,portion ╬ФAOB can be cut from the original field so that the new shape of thefield will be ╬ФBCE. (See figure)

We have to prove that thearea of ╬ФAOB (portion that was cut so as to construct Health Centre) is equalto the area of ╬ФDEO (portion added to the field so as to make the area of thenew field so formed equal to the area of the original field)

It can be observed that╬ФDEB and ╬ФDAB lie on the same base BD and are between the same parallels BD andAE.

тИ┤Area (╬ФDEB) = Area (╬ФDAB)

тЗТArea (╬ФDEB) тИТ Area (╬ФDOB) = Area (╬ФDAB) тИТ Area (╬ФDOB)

тЗТ Area (╬ФDEO) = Area (╬ФAOB)


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