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From the figure, it can beobserved that point A divides the field into three parts. These parts aretriangular in shape тИТ ╬ФPSA, ╬ФPAQ, and ╬ФQRA
Areaof ╬ФPSA + Area of ╬ФPAQ + Area of ╬ФQRA = Area of┬а
PQRS тАж (1)We know that if aparallelogram and a triangle are on the same base and between the sameparallels, then the area of the triangle is half the area of the parallelogram.
тИ┤ Area (╬ФPAQ) =┬а
Area (PQRS) тАж (2)From equations (1) and(2), we obtain
Area(╬ФPSA) + Area (╬ФQRA) =┬а
Area (PQRS) тАж (3)Clearly,it can be observed that the farmer must sow wheat in triangular part PAQ andpulses in other two triangular parts PSA and QRA or wheat in triangular partsPSA and QRA and pulses in triangular parts PAQ.