Question -
Answer -
Given 6 red balls, 5white balls and 5 blue balls
We can select 3 redballs from 6 red balls in┬а6C3┬аways
Similarly, we canselect 3 white balls from 5 white balls in┬а5C3┬аways
Similarly, we canselect 3 blue balls from 5 blue balls in┬а5C3┬аways
тИ┤┬аNumber of waysof selecting 9 balls is┬а6C3┬а├Ч5C3┬а├Ч┬а5C3
тИ┤┬аNumber of waysof selecting 9 balls from 6 red balls, 5 white balls and 5 blue balls if eachselection consists of 3 balls of each colour is┬а6C3┬а├Ч5C3┬а├Ч┬а5C3┬а=2000